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Worldwide Database of Volcanic Ground Deformation


Volcano number: 353040
Region: South America
Country: Ecuador
Geodetic measurements? Yes
Deformation observation? Yes
Measurement method(s): InSAR
Duration of observation: 1992 - 2001
Inferred cause of deformation: Magmatic
Characteristics of deformation:
If we assume a sim- ilar value for magma emplaced beneath Alcedo, between 0.6 and 10% of the magma would need to crystallize each year, to give the model distribution of volume reduction at 95% confidence. Note that the probability distribution for percentage of crystallization is less well constrained than that for volume reduction, as it also de- pends on the total volume which is not so well constrained. Cooling of the solidified magma could also contribute further to the volume reduction, with up to 2% contraction being the estimated value for solidified Krafla magma. Loss of volatiles from the magma chamber would reduce the pressure, also leading to a reduction in volume, but the pressure decrease required to produce the surface displacements
would be between 23 and 370 MPa yr−1 at 95% confidence. This range is too high to be plausibly produced by the loss of volatiles alone. Ref 1
References: 'Hooper, A., Segall, P., & Zebker, H. (2007). Persistent scatterer interferometric synthetic aperture radar for crustal deformation analysis, with application to Volcán Alcedo, Galápagos. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 112(B7).'
Location: -91.12, -0.43